Bullseye Association

The following rules are as accepted by the Bullseye Association membership at the Nationals Competition held in June of 1999 and ammended April of 2000. The purpose is to standardize how Regattas are organized and run.

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Bullseye Association Rules for Conducting National Regattas

Conducting National Regattas

1. All national regattas shall be conducted in accordance with the following rules: Prepare a Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions as indicated by current ISAF Rules and Appendices.


2. The current racing rules of the ISAF shall apply, except where they have been modified by these Rules, the Bullseye Constitution and Bylaws, and the Bullseye Class Association - Sailing Instruction Guidelines as published in the current Bullseye Class Association Rule Book and their subsequent published amendments. In all cases of conflict Bullseye Class Association Rules shall govern.

Entry, Eligibility and Measurement

3.1 Any Bullseye Class Association member in good standing (dues current) shall be eligible to enter the regatta.

3.2 All boats and equipment are subject to Class inspection according to the Class Technical Specifications.

Race Courses

4.1 Use of the Bullseye Class Association - Sailing Instruction Guidelines Course Selection Diagrams is strongly encouraged.

4.2 All marks shall be left to port, unless local conditions require variations

4.3 Courses may be shortened according to ISAF Rule 32.

4.4 Downwind runs should be avoided in high winds and/or seas. See Bullseye Class Association - Sailing Instruction Guidelines Course Selection Diagrams and Bullseye Class Association – Rules for Conducting Regattas, Rule 8.3.

4.5 Course length may vary, but courses shall be designed to allow for sufficient race time to conduct a fair test of skill. There is no specific limit on the number of mark roundings in the course, but the courses and their accompanying signal designations shall be clearly defined in the Sailing Instructions.


5.1 Temporary marks (inflatable or equivalent) should be normally used. The use of fixed or government marks is strongly discouraged. The use of gates is optional.

5.2 There is no specific limit on the variety of marks used, but every attempt should be made to use uniform marks for the entire course and all marks shall be clearly identified and described in the Sailing Instructions and, if possible, displayed at the competitors meeting.

5.3 The requirement for honoring fixed and government marks shall be as noted by the Race Committee during the competitors meeting.

Start Lines

6.1 Fixed starting lines may not be used. The starting line will be between a staff displaying a flag or shape on the race committee boat at the starboard end and the port-end starting mark.

6.2 The line shall be set so the buoy opposite the committee boat is passed on the same side as Mark number 1 (the windward mark).

6.3 An ideal starting line is one that results in competitors spreading out along its entirety without sensing a prejudiced end. This should occur when the line is set perpendicular (90°) to the average wind. In the event of a substantial line end favor that would result in a disorderly start, the start should be postponed and the line reset.

6.4 The length of the starting line should be equal to the number of competing boats multiplied by 15 to 20 feet.

6.5 The use of ISAF Rule 30.1, "Round the Ends Rule", is generally discouraged until after a general recall has occurred in that start.

Starting Procedures

7.1 Races will be started using one of the starting sequences in the ISAF Rules.

7.2 Course Signals shall be displayed at least one minute prior to the first Warning Signal for that race and shall remain displayed until ten minutes after the last start in the race.

7.3 Extreme care shall be used in timing all start signals. Any error in a visual signal made prior to the start shall result in that start being postponed, or, if made at the start, that start being recalled.

7.4 The starting line shall be maintained for at least 10 minutes following the last start at the discretion of the Race Committee if needed.

7.5 In any event where more than one division is to be started, the interval between starts shall be at least 10 minutes, to allow all competitors clean air and to allow the Race Committee sufficient time to adjust the starting line, if necessary.

Weather Limitations

8.1 A race shall not be started unless the Race Committee is confident that a race can be completed.

8.2 In areas where severe weather may be encountered, a race shall not be started with a serious storm threatening and if severe weather arrives before the completion of a race, that race shall be abandoned or canceled.

8.3 If, during a race in progress, the wind or wave action increases to the point where a course must be shortened, the Committee shall follow ISAF Rule 32, Shortening or Abandoning after the Start.

8.4 Where there is the possibility of high wind or storms, an adequate number of appropriate support boats should be employed by the Race Committee and handled by experienced and adequate personnel. (Staffed by at least two people per boat.)

Finish Line

9.1 The finish line should be set at right angles to the wind direction if the finish is on a beat or at right angles to the course from the last mark if the course from the last mark is off the wind.

9.2 The length of the finish line should not be less than 100 feet nor more than 150 feet.

Equipment Check

10. Any number of boats may be checked for required equipment after their finish in each race. While the top competitors should be the focus, it is not necessary to inspect any competitor more than once a day, unless that competitor has returned to shore between races.

Time Limit

11. The Race Committee shall record the elapsed time for the lead boat of each fleet to complete the first lap, and to finish, in order to insure compliance with the Bullseye Class Association - Sailing Instruction Guidelines, Section 14 (Time Limit).


12.1 Protests must be filed with the Race Committee in writing within a period of time not to be less than one hour of the return of the Race Committee to shore, as established by the Race Committee in the Bullseye Class Association - Sailing Instruction Guidelines, Section 16.1 (Protests)

12.2 Decisions of the Race Committee, Protest Committee, and Bullseye Association Officials shall be final as far as the award of prizes is concerned.

Team Racing

13. Under no circumstances shall the use of team racing tactics be tolerated in fleet racing. If the Race Committee or Protest Committee determines that the use of team racing tactics may have significantly influenced the outcome of a race they shall order that race abandoned and resailed, excluding the participation of the offending boat(s).


14. The Low Point Scoring System shall be used as outlines by the current ISAF Rules.


15. If a boat touches a mark ISAF Rule 31, "Touching a Mark" shall apply. For other penalties under ISAF Rule 44.1, the Sailing Instructions may not specify a penalty other than the 720° turns penalty.

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